Services Offered
Counseling Services
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Support to BHS Students
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (APPI)
Education, Support, and Counseling to Encourage Students to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs and Have Healthy Relationships.
Medical & Dental
- Insurance Assistance
- Physicals
- Acute Health Care
- Preventative Care
- Health Assessments
Dental Care is Provided Through CompleteCare Health Network's Smile Smart Program
Afterschool Activities, Including Crafts, Games, and Trips!
Groups (Subject to Change)
- Latin American Club (LAC)
- Reducing The Risk
- GSA (Gay, Straight Alliance)
- RICH (Respect, Integrity, Character, and Honor) Gents
- ESL Student Support Group
- Stress Management/Yoga
- Grief Support
- Transition for 9th Graders
- Senior Support